Monday, January 5, 2009

I received this note below, from Paul Streitz, the 2012 Draft Sarah Committee national organizer. I wanted to share it with you. I made my contribution and I urge you to do the same.

The 2012 Draft Sarah Committee will attend the upcoming CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) this February 26-28 in Washington, DC.

This conference will have all the leading figures of the Conservative Movement in the United States, politicians, writers, commentators.

The 2012 Draft Sarah Committee will be there to support the nomination of Gov. Sarah Palin for President in 2012. We will have a booth. Hand

out buttons, "Vote Sarah 2012." Hand out bumper stickers. And enthusiastically support her nomination.

$20 contributors will receive a "Vote Sarah 2012" button.

$50 contributors will receive the button and bumper sticker.

$100 contributors will receive button, sticker and coffee mug.

(Go for the mug. Impress your conservative friends around the office coffee pot. Dismay your liberal friends that you expect the Obama-thon to be cut short.)

We hope you will generously help this effort. It will make CPAC, the unofficial

campaign kick-off for 2012.

(Please forward this email to your mailing list.)

Go to to make your secure on-line, credit card contribution.

Thanks, let's put Gov. Sarah Palin in the White House in 2012.

Paul Streitz for buttons, shirts, etc.

Paid for by the 2012 Draft Sarah Committee

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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