Monday, February 9, 2009

Black Hopes With Limbaugh That Obama Agenda Fails

Mr. Llyod Marcus is a talented singer and conservative activist. Mr Marcus is President of NAACPC (National Asso. For the Advancement of Conservative People of Color). I recently received in my email the below article written by Mr. Marcus and asked him if I could share with you.

Below his article is a link to his website. You can learn more abot Mr. Marcus HERE

Re-printed with permission:

Black Hopes With Limbaugh That Obama Agenda Fails
by Lloyd Marcus

I was in fourth grade. Our teacher presented us with a math problem and left the classroom. Against her instructions, we compared answers. I equated the answer to be 'zero'. Everyone else said “two” was the correct answer. I thought I could not possibly be the only one right. So I changed my answer. To my surprise, our teacher revealed that the correct answer was 'zero'.

Fast forward 50 years later. Once again I find my opinion in the minority. Most black Americans are elated over the election of Obama. But unlike my fellow blacks, I voted principles rather than skin color. President Obama is a hardcore liberal socialist. For example, Obama's stimulus package includes taxpayers paying $500 to every illegal alien.

Despite all his talk of change, Obama's philosophy and rhetoric is standard democrat; everyone is a victim; the solution to every problem is more government spending and control; America's success is evil and harmful to the world; punish the rich; America is inherently racist; your income belongs to government with it deciding how much it allows you to keep. Obama's abortion views equal infanticide.

I love my country. In solidarity with Rush Limbaugh, I too hope Obama's big government liberal agenda fails.

Lloyd Marcus, President
NAACPC (National Asso. For the Advancement of Conservative People of Color)

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