Friday, November 14, 2008

A Book Review (of sorts) Part 2 - Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska's Political Establishment on Its Ear

I finished reading the book "Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska's Political Establishment on Its Ear," by Kaylene Johnson.” I came to the same conclusion as I had before. Sarah is a down to earth politician who can connect the common man (and woman) in way that few can, because she lives that life. With Sarah it is not an image, it is who she is. I recall Jimmy Carter trying show he was a common man by carrying an empty suite bag on to his plane. With Sarah I think what you see is what you get. In several interviews prior to her being picked by McCain as his running mate I saw Sarah doing the interviews from her kitchen, while making the kids lunch. In a recent post election interview with Greta Van Susteren she was making hot dogs during the interview. My point being is she is showing how everyday moms (and dads) juggle life and work. Sarah Palin has something most politicians lack, that is “walking around sense” or common sense as some of you more learned folk may say.

In the closing chapter of the book author Kaylen Johnson wrote “Sarah's siblings sat nearby, marveling at how someone as down-to-earth as Sarah could reach such extraordinary heights by standing firm for her beliefs.” Let us stand firm WITH Sarah and take the Republican Party back to her conservative principals then return this nation to those same principals that made this the greatest nation on earth, the greatest nation ever. In case you do not know what those principals are: Here a few Fiscal Conservatism, Supply-Side Economics, Social Conservatism, Pro-Life, Pro Traditional Family, Pro Defense and Pro Business. I am sure I am missing several but that is what comes to my mind.

I urge you to buy this book read it and you will discover for yourself why I like millions feel like we have found a voice that will represent us. That voice being that of Sarah Palin.

1 comment:

chicagobluesgirl said...

Here is my concern--while I totally agree with how we have to move
forward on putting the wheels in motion to get Sarah on the ticket we
may not be able to do most of what we want if the Democrats have a
filibuster-proof vote. They can easily remove our voice in the media
through the Fairness Doctrine or Democrat approved amnesty for the
illegals and the felon vote. so all of our work might be for naught
if we are sabotaged in this way. We have to have some kind of balance
in Congress.
> Right now there is a race in Georgia for another Republican seat in
the senate. We are very, very close to the dangerous 60 Democratic
seats. I don't know how people can help--like many of you--I have a
70 hour a week job--we are all so busy. I am going to donate to the
Republican Trust --a group that is fighting for
> Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R). If anyone else wants to donate, go here:

https://secure. yourpatriot. com/ou/tnrt/ nat_repub_ website/donate. aspx

Anyone who is in or near Georgia can help to get out the
Republican vote by contacting their local GOP. I am aware that many
people do not know the importance of this race and the one in
Minnesota. The race is over the first week in December. Thanks