Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sarah Palin; Right for the Republican Party, Right for America.

Since the loss of the Presidency and further losses in the House and Senate, on November 4th 2008, it has become more than apparent our party has lost its bearing. I think the Principals and Philosophies espoused by Ronald Reagan were the right ones for the Republican Party and the right ones for America. In my opinion the one candidate out there that is Reaganesque is Sarah Palin. Not only is she politically close to Reagan but Palin has a way of connecting to the common man (Joe Six Pack) like myself that makes her the right choice for the Republican Party and the right choice for America. Under my “Favorite Links” section you will see a link to “Sarah Palin on the issues”, I suggest you visit it to get an idea of where Palin stands on the issues. If Palin best represents your values then perhaps you need to help take the Republican Party back from the liberals and moderates. They already have a party; it’s the Socialistic, Democratic Party of Barack Obama.

You say, ok I agree with you, and that our party has lost its way. What do we do about it? It’s quite simple… get involved. Get involved in your local party structure. Most every county in America has a Republican Executive Committee and every state has a state party structure. Visit go to the tab near the top of the page and click on the “State Parties” button then find your state. Go to your state party’s web page and look for a link to find your county’s information. Find out when your county party meets and join them. If your precinct does not have a committeeman in place let them know you would like to be voted on to fill that spot. After you are on your local REC you will have a direct voice in taking our party back and returning her back to the sound principled conservative philosophy.

Keep Fighting The Good Fight,
Randy Highsmith

1 comment:

Stephen R. Maloney said...

Hi Randy: Keep up the great work. It's going to be a long haul. Let's take this journey with tens of millions of other Americans.